Summer is Heating Up–Take Pre-Cautions

With temperatures in the high 80s in our area be aware that hot weather can be dangerous. As people get older, their natural defenses begin to break down, leaving them more likely to develop health problems related to heat exposure. Those over 65 also are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that changes normal body responses to heat and are more likely to take prescription medications that affect the body’s ability to control its temperature or sweat.

Here are some guidelines for people of all ages for keeping safe in hot weather:

–Drink Plenty of Liquids. Drink water or sports drinks, stay away from caffeine and alcohol since they actually dehydrate you.

–Wear clothes which are light-colored, lightweight and loose-fitting and a wide-brimmed hat.

–Stay Indoors during mid-day hours. The best time to run errands or be outdoors is before 10am or after 6pm, when the temperature tends to be cooler.

–Limit using the stove or oven to cook during times of extreme heat.

–Take cool showers or baths to cool down.

–Limit strenuous outdoor activities.