Spraying for Gypsy Moths

If you live in the Mount Mitchell or Celo area you can expect to see a low flying plane within the next few weeks as North Carolina Agriculture and Consumer Services begins spraying due to a gypsy moth infestation. The Gypsy Moth program will be using Splat Gypsy Moth-Organic which is a lotion-like substance that attracts the female gypsy moth. The treatment saturates an area with pheromone, which confuses communication between the moths and prevents the male from locating the female. The product is applied with low flying aircraft making steep turns. Sprayers are off when not flying over forested land. Tree canopy will absorb most of the product.  There will be one application during daylight hours in June. Exact treatment date and time are dependent upon weather conditions. Mount Mitchell has a 1,760 acre treatment block. Celo has a 2,485 acre treatment block. In 2019 a total of 8 male moths were found in the Celo block. By 2020 that had increased to 28, signifying that a reproducing population is present. Mount Mitchell also showed an increase in moth population. For more information call 800-206-9333 or go to http://ncagr.gov/plantindustry/Plant/entomology/ProposedGypsyMothTreatments.htm