MYSATF Updated Resource Guide

It can be confusing to know where to turn when you, a friend, or a loved one is struggling with mental health concerns or dealing with the impact of substance use. But you are not alone.

Partners Aligned Toward Health and the Mitchell Yancey Substance Abuse Task Force have updated the Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide – connecting local agencies, service providers, businesses, and community members with the many helpful services and resources this community has to offer. The guide offers information on a variety of options including local therapists, clinical and faith based programs, peer support groups, reentry programs, and much more.

The guide focuses on mental health and substance use resources located within Mitchell and Yancey Counties, as well as including regional resources for services that are not available within the two counties. A downloadable copy of the Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide can be found online here.

The online Resource Guide is updated as PATH and MYSATF are made aware of new or changing services in the community. A comprehensive review and update to the Resource Guide is completed every two years.

During the recent community sense making sessions, residents in Mitchell and Yancey with a history of substance use and mental health concerns shared they are looking for the support needed for ongoing wellness but struggle to find the options that fit their needs. This guide is meant for anyone to use – from community members to local agencies.

Partners Aligned Toward Health and the Mitchell Yancey Substance Abuse Task Force continue to work hard on prevention, education, and advocacy around health and wellness issues in our community. If you have suggestions about ways to improve efforts to serve our community or would like to submit a resource for inclusion in the guide, please contact or (828) 682-7899.