8th Annual Mayland Black Jar Honey Contest

Foodies, friends and fans of the natural sweetness of honey are invited to help pick the area’s best-tasting honey at the 8th Annual Mayland Black Jar Honey Contest on Wednesday, Wednesday, October 2, at Homeplace Beer Company in Burnsville. The event starts at 6 p.m. and the honey tasting ends at 8 p.m.

Attendees will have the opportunity to sample the region’s famous sourwood honey, the rich buttery flavor of tulip poplar honey, the citrusy zing of basswood honey, and the subtle blend of flavors that make up wildflower honey.

Judging the Honey
All attendees can taste the different entries, but a $10 donation is required to become an official judge. The contest is sponsored by and benefits the Toe Cane Beekeepers Association (TCBA), a nonprofit group encompassing more than 90 beekeepers across the three counties. Proceeds help support the TCBA’s educational programs.

Judging starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 8 p.m., with the top three best-tasting honeys being announced shortly thereafter.

All honey entered in the contest is judged on taste alone. Entries are wrapped in black coverings to allow a blind taste test. It will be a tough decision as authentic honey flavors are as unique as wines. The winning honey will go on to represent our region in the International Black Jar Honey Contest.

Enter Your Honey
Area beekeepers are welcome to enter the contest as long as their honey was harvested in Mitchell, Avery or Yancey counties. TCBA members get one free entry. There is a $15 fee for additional entries and entries by non-members. All entries must be dropped off at the Yancey County Cooperative Extension office, 30 E U.S. Hwy. 19E in Burnsville by October 2.

For more detailed information or to download an entry form, visit https://toecanebeekeepers.net/contest

The Toe Cane Beekeepers Association is a nonprofit organization serving the bees and beekeepers of Mitchell, Avery and Yancey counties. It offers educational and training opportunities throughout the year for new and experienced beekeepers and engages in community outreach through area schools and at special events.
