Sgt. E.L. Randolph DAV Meetings


The local DAV SGT. E. L. Randolph Chapter 57 has meetings the 1st Saturday of every month at 10 am to discuss anything new with the DAV and Veteran Affairs. We keep you informed of Legislation that has been passed and Bills that the National DAV submits to Congress and the Senate to provide more care to those who Honorably served. You do not have to be Disabled to belong to the DAV. The more individuals belonging to the DAV gives us more voice to our cause and any further or future conditions that our fellow Veteran’s may develop are properly addressed and treated. I think you will find others with your doubts and concerns but, you will come out of the meeting feeling that you are not alone and hopefully glad you came.

The next meeting will be Feb. 1st, 2025 at 10 am  at the Masonic Lodge in the back building on 23 Robertson Street, across from the Bed and Breakfast. Following the meeting please stay and enjoy lunch with us.
