Update from Mitchell Yancey Substance Abuse Task Force

Good morning all, hope you are looking forward to a restful weekend! Below are some important updates on virtual services:

  1. Home Remedies – Community Options Addressing Pain and Stress:Classes continue this Saturday, May 16 at 10am with Margot Rossi M.Ac. L.Ac presentation “No BODY Left Behind: Integrating Mind and Body. These days, there’s a blizzard of stresses taking up our attention. Many of us are reporting more anxiety, worry, fears, frustrations, and uncertainty about the future. With those concerns comes a yearning for reassurance, resolution and ease. Participants will learn an essential mindfulness practice that can be done anywhere, anytime, to help us reset and restore: the body scan. This simple practice of tuning your attention into your physical body, scanning from toes to head, helps regulate the nervous system, calm the mind and relax the body. Use the following information to join us via our new platform Webex:

Meeting number: 795 572 770    Password: HR51620


Join by phone +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll  Access code: 795 572 770

  1. Celebrate Recovery at Bear Creekis continuing to offer services during this time. Visit the Facebook page at Bear Creek CR for virtual sessions. The schedule of sessions is as follows:

Tuesdays at 7pm- broadcasting live interviews

Thursdays at 7pm- “Drive In” with worship service and singers

Sunday morning at 9:45am – virtual Sunday school

  1. RHA Recovery/Treatment Services:RHA continues to offer teletherapy and virtual services. For more information, visit RHA Health Services online or you can reach out to one of the local centers: Burnsville (828) 682-2111  Spruce Pine (828) 765-0894