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Booze It or Lose It Going On Now

As Labor Day fast approaches, increased congestion across the state is expected as motorists travel to their intended vacation destinations. With this in mind, the State Highway Patrol is stressing the importance of sober driving throughout the holiday weekend. Combining forces with the Governor’s Highway Safety Program and more than 500 law enforcement organizations statewide, the State ...(more)

Toe River Health District Update 9/1

TOE RIVER HEALTH DISTRICT PRESS RELEASE Five Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Yancey County Two Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in Mitchell County Zero Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Avery County Ledger, NC (September 1, 2020). Toe River Health District, Yancey, Mitchell and Avery Counties, were notified today, about the following positive cases in our district. Avery County had 0 new positives today ...(more)

Phase 2.5 Governor Executive Order 163

(Begins Friday, September 4th at 5 pm) Highlights of the order include the following: Phase 2.5 means the following for North Carolina: Mass gathering limits will increase to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors from the current limit of 10 indoors and 25 outdoors. Playgrounds may open. Museums and aquariums may open at 50% capacity. Gyms and indoor exercise facilities, such as yoga ...(more)

CSX Railroad Beginning Repairs

CSX Railroad ‘s scheduled  closings of railroad crossings in our area began this morning. The closings are for repairs and necessitate rerouting traffic.  Signage is in place marking detour routes.  All crossings are generally closed anywhere from 2-5 days.  This can change, with or without notice, due to unforeseen circumstances including inclement weather which could cause track ...(more)

Larsen Pulls Out of Mitchell Commissioners’ Race

Howard Larsen has pulled out of the County Commissioners’ race in Mitchell County. Larsen, the lone Democrat on the ticket has decided to forego his chances in the November 3rd contest. Larsen indicated that his words had already been twisted and politics had become too divisive.   He posted on his Facebook page, “We must change the political practices of both Parties or better ...(more)

Today Is Overdose Awareness Day

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day.  This day is intended to raise awareness of overdose and to reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths. It is also a time for loved ones to mourn lost lives without feelings of guilt and shame. You can post a tribute to someone who has lost their life to drug overdose on the official ...(more)